The Self Publishing Blueprint

Banish the notion of the lonely, frustrated author.

Write Your Book
together with us in a small supportive author coaching program. After all, success loves company
[we visionaries have to stick together]

As seen in:

Jane Tabachnick in the media

Who told you writing a book has to be a solitary and lonely experience requiring toil and drudgery?

They got it wrong!

Write with us – you’ll join a group of other smart cookies to create the content for your book

Frederica A. Peterson, on her experience in our SPB Book Writing Program

What was the biggest value from the book writing program?

Helping me stay focused and accountable in the book writing process. I have been working on this book for close to 2 years and it wasn’t until I went through this program I was able to crystalize my thoughts and really organize the content in a way that will generate income.  Once I organized my concepts I realized I have a signature training program in the making. I was able to come up with models and processes that transformed my book into a resource. 

This course challenges you with processes that will ask you the right questions to get to the core of what you are trying to accomplish, which in my case, was much more than I could have ever thought possible. 

Why should someone take this program?

The number one reason why someone should take this course is that it will save you a ton of time and (in some instances) money in helping you to focus on the infrastructure instead of jumping right into content. If you are someone that struggles with harnessing your creativity and continually finding yourself procrastinating about writing your book, this course is for you.  Sometimes the most critical thing is not just getting started, but getting started the right way! 

It is easy to write content but it is important to have a strategy so your intended goal is met; getting people to read your work and hopefully be able to experience transformation in the process. There is power in your words if you use them wisely

What was the biggest value from the book writing program?

You can get it done on your own but will anyone read it?  I would challenge you to ask anyone that has written a book for the first time if they felt their first work reached it’s full potential, they would probably tell you no. They would also tell you how much money, time and patience was wasted because they just didn’t know how to create an effective strategy to write their book. 

But by all means, if you have the time to waste, have at it!

What are the best reasons to work with Jane?

Jane is a wealth of information. She is really a one-stop resource for book writing. She has the experience and expertise to help anyone get their first book written. It would take you a lifetime to learn all of the wisdom and understanding Jane possesses with relation to book strategy and coaching. I highly encourage you to tap into her before someone famous discovers her then we won’t be able to afford her anymore. Ha! 

But by all means, if you have the time to waste, have at it!

What was the biggest value from the book writing program?

You can get it done on your own but will anyone read it?  I would challenge you to ask anyone that has written a book for the first time if they felt their first work reached it’s full potential, they would probably tell you no. They would also tell you how much money, time and patience was wasted because they just didn’t know how to create an effective strategy to write their book. 

But by all means, if you have the time to waste, have at it!

What do you say to someone who thinks the program is expensive – [for something you ‘should be able to’ do on your own]?

You get what you pay for. If the quality of your work is important to you then you should invest in it. Your book is part of your brand and once it is out there, it is the only face some people will ever see of you.  To go through this course is minimal, to hire a publishing company is expensive and many people that write a book for the first time, think a publishing company will pick them up free of charge but there is a cost to everything. 

This program not only will give you tools to write a book with impact it will also teach you how to market your book, which is just as critical as writing it. Marketing is not as easy as we think, it is not just about social media, there is a strategy to everything, having that intel alone is priceless.